Information about the law
Many legal organizations provide information about particular areas of law and the court system:
- Clicklaw provides information to help people identify legal problems, find legal assistance and advice, learn about the justice system and obtain information about law reform in British Columbia.
- The Legal Services Society of BC provides information about legal aid in BC, including: legal information, advice and representation services, free publications and links to other legal resources, and resources for lawyers and community workers. The Legal Services Society also provides information about
Family Law in BC.
- Amici Curiae (AC) Friendship Society provides self-represented litigants free legal information, assistance in completing legal forms, and preparation for court appearances. Appointments for services are available virtually and in-person.
- People's Law School is a free information service - available online, 24/7 - that helps British Columbians avoid and resolve legal issues. They explain the law in plain English, and feature step-by-step guides, webinars, videos, interactive pathways, and print publications on popular everyday legal topics.
- The Supreme Court Self-Help and Information Centre is a drop-in centre near the Vancouver courthouse where staff members can help you find legal information about court procedure and law.
- Dial-a-Law features "starting point" information on the law in British Columbia in over 130 topic areas. The information is available online, as audio recordings, and by phone.
- The Justice Education Society of BC provides education about BC's justice and court system:
- The Canadian Judicial Council's website provides information about Canada's justice system.