Registrar's Office
The Registrar of the Supreme Court is responsible for overseeing the province's deputy district registrars who work in the court registries across the province. The Registrar serves as a liaison between the Court and the Court Services Branch in relation to registrars' issues.
The information on this page is provided to assist registrars, the bar and the public with respect to registrar hearings, applications and various other registrar related duties.Registrar's Hearings - Practice and Procedure
The Manager of the Provincial Registrar's Program has prepared a number of information sheets including a glossary of terms used in District Registrar's hearings, descriptions of the various hearings that take place before the District Registrar, and forms necessary to commence hearings before the District Registrar.
- Glossary of Terms (PDF, 91 KB)
- Application to Adjourn (PDF, 106 KB)
- Appointment before the Registrar - Civil (Form 49) (PDF, 98 KB)
- Appointment before the Registrar - Family (Form F55) (PDF, 77 KB)
- Bankruptcy Hearings Before The Registrar (PDF, 142 KB)
- Legal Profession Act Reviews (PDF, 94 KB)
- Party and Party Bill of Costs (PDF, 173 KB)
- Pre-Hearing Conferences (PDF, 117 KB)
- Reference to the Registrar (PDF, 95 KB)
- Reference Under the Court Order Enforcement Act (for sale of land) (PDF, 104 KB)
- Release a Garnishing Order (PDF, 136 KB)
- Settle an Order (PDF, 91 KB)
- Special Costs (PDF, 83 KB)
- Subpoena to Debtor (PDF, 109 KB)
Supreme Court Information Packages
- Appeal from Associate Judge or Registrar Package (PDF, 225 KB)
- Costs Package (PDF, 315 KB)
- Garnishment Package (PDF, 186 KB)
- Legal Professions Act Review Package (PDF, 209 KB)
- Release of a Garnishing Order Package (PDF, 179 KB)
- Service Package (PDF, 151 KB)
- Writ of Seizure and Sale Package (PDF, 104 KB)
The Supreme Court Registrars' Newsletter is a Question and Answer resource that is used by the Registrar, District Registrars and Deputy District Registrars throughout the province to help clarify registry practice with respect to a number of provincial statutes and the Supreme Court Civil and Family Rules. The Newsletter contains questions from District Registrars and Deputy District Registrars from 1992 to present and is maintained and released by the Manager of the Provincial Registrars' Program.
Note: The Registrars' Newsletter includes a number of questions and answers that specifically relate to the Family Relations Act which was repealed on March 18, 2013 when the Family Law Act came into force. As a result of the legislative change, the questions and answers may not apply to the Family Law Act. Any questions related to family law matters that were submitted after March 18, 2013 are answered with reference to the new legislation and/or any cases decided under the new legislation.
The Court Order Interest Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 79 provides for the payment of pre-judgment and post judgment interest at a prescribed rate. The interest rates are adjusted twice annually: on January 1 for the period of January 1 to June 30 and on July 1 for the period from July 1 to December 31.
The British Columbia Financial Services Authority regulates and oversees important financial transactions in British Columbia to ensure fairness, legality, and the prosperity of consumers and the province. A list of Insurance Companies authorized to write surety business in British Columbia may be found on their website at the below link. In the event that an individual or company is required to post a bond in respect of a court proceeding, the surety or bond must be written by one of the companies on the list. Unless the court directs otherwise, if the surety or bond is written by a company that is not on the list, the registry will reject the surety or bond.