British Columbia Court of Appeal Webcast Pilot Project
The Courts of British Columbia

Restrictions and Terms of Use


Should media or others wish to use a recording of a video conference appeal for any purpose other than personal viewing, such use must conform to the following restrictions

You may not broadcast, rebroadcast, transmit, reproduce, communicate, or otherwise make the recording of a video conference appeal available in whole or in part in any form or by any means or store it on any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written authorization of the Registrar of the Court of Appeal. To contact the Registrar, please email

The only exception to #1 is that the recording of a video conference appeal may be used by the media for the purpose of reporting on this appeal in news and public affairs broadcasts. The Office of the Registrar requests that any portions of the recording of a video conference appeal are used in a manner that is balanced and fair to the parties to the appeal.

Timothy Outerbridge

The Courts of British Columbia